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Puppet Porn
Contributed by porndexter on Friday October 8, 2004 07:51PM
from the Satirical-Humor dept.
The Team America: World Police wooden puppets' sex scenes have been chipped down to an R rating.

After what has been, reportedly, lengthy dickering and bickering Matt Stone and Trey Parker, the South Park creators responsible for this cheekily politically incorrect marionette action spoof, and the Motion Picture Association of America watchdogs, who sets ratings guidelines, reached an edit compromise.

Click for full story

Adult Humor
Sex Education, John Waters-style
Contributed by porndexter on Thursday October 7, 2004 05:18PM
from the controversial-directors dept.
"I don't care what people do in bed, or if they don't do anything. I just don't think that everybody else has to feel how you feel about it, whether it's sex, religion or politics," says the director of "A Dirty Shame."

Click for full story

Adult Humor
Girl Get's Penis cheeked
Contributed by porndexter on Tuesday June 1, 2004 10:22AM
from the Great-pranks dept.
Three teenagers could face harassment charges over a prom prank in West Linn.

Police say teens were drinking heavily at West Linn post-prom party when one girl passed out.

Click for Prank

Adult Humor
Passengers tip boat trying to see Boobies
Contributed by porndexter on Friday May 7, 2004 12:15AM
from the Horny-People dept.
AUSTIN, Texas -- Some 60 "Splash Day" revelers hoping to see nude sunbathers tipped over their double-decker barge when they crowded one side of the vessel.

They were rescued Sunday from Lake Travis, including two with minor injuries, authorities said.

Click for Story

Adult Humor
The Petting Zoo's Stick Figure Hardcore Porn page!
Contributed by porndexter on Monday January 5, 2004 11:40AM
from the People-who-have-too-much-time-on-their-hands dept.
Indulge yourself in the ultimate bandwidth-friendly hardcore porn page for people who desperately need to see themselves in the middle of the hottest abstract (and we mean abstract) action!
Adult Humor
Vixen Love Bot
Contributed by porndexter on Tuesday December 30, 2003 12:10PM
from the dept.
It's always funny how despirate people are to get sex on the internet. Here's a site that was created to show poor smucks trying to get it on with a chat bot.

Read the logs of poor internet junkies tricked into a relationship with a mindless program

For those of you who are unfamiliar with what that means, the AIM stands for AOL Instant Messenger, one of the world's largest chat programs. AOL allows users of any internet service or mental capabilities to engage each other in chat. It is in this virtual world that VixenLove lives.

Adult Humor
Another Crazy Simpson Idea coming to life (remember to tomacco?)
Contributed by porndexter on Tuesday December 23, 2003 03:11PM
from the dept.
As with most crazy ideas, the Simpsons thought of it first: Homer: "I'm feelin' low, Apu. You got any of that beer that has candy floating in it, you know, Skittlebrau?"

Apu: "Such a product does not exist, sir! You must have dreamed it."

Adult Humor
Voodo Penis
Contributed by porndexter on Tuesday December 9, 2003 05:41PM
from the Bad-Humor dept.
A businessman was getting ready to go on a long business trip. He knew his wife was a flirtatious sort with an extremely healthy sex drive, so he thought he'd buy her a little something to keep her occupied while he was gone. He went to a store that sold sex toys and started looking around. He was browsing through the dildos, looking for something special to please his wife, and started talking to the old man behind the counter. He explained his situation. The old man said, "Well, We have vibrating dildos, special attachments, and so on, but I don't know of anything that will keep her occupied for weeks, except---" and he stopped.

"Except what?" the man asked. "Nothing, nothing." "C'mon, tell me! I need something!"

"Well, sir, I don't usually mention this, but there is The Voodoo Penis."

Adult Humor
A Woman Walks into Her Bosses Office
Contributed by porndexter on Tuesday December 9, 2003 05:36PM
from the dept.
A woman walks into her bosses office with this complaint: "All the other women in the office are suing you for sexual harassment. Since you haven't sexually harassed me, I'm suing you for discrimination."
Adult Humor
Two men in the bar talk about sex
Contributed by porndexter on Tuesday December 2, 2003 10:42PM
from the Cowboy-Love dept.
Two men in the bar talk about sex.
One suddenly says: ' I prefer the Rodeo position '
The other; ' The Rodeo position? What the fuck is that ? '
' Well ' says the other: ' You have the woman on all fours,
fuck her from behind and grab her breasts and then whisper in her ears: ' Your tits feel as good as your sister's ' See how many seconds you can keep your dick in!! '
Adult Humor
X3 News Poll

How often do you have sex with your partner?

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Once a day
4 - 6 times a week
2 - 3 times a week
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