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Cheating Partners use Sex Sex as an excuse
Contributed by porndexter on Friday October 15, 2004 11:56AM
from the Silly-Medical-Disorders dept.
By day, she was a respectable, middle-aged woman who lived with a steady partner. By night, she crept out of their house to seek random sex with strangers.

But the woman was unaware of her own double life, which was conducted while she was asleep, said the Sydney doctor who diagnosed and treated her.

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Sexual Health
Viagra is Solid
Contributed by porndexter on Sunday July 4, 2004 09:31PM
from the Men's-Health dept.
“Erection quality” and efficacy are determining the outcome in the raging battle between the three local pharmaceutical companies who are attracting patients suffering from erectile dysfunction. Apparently, sildenafil citrate (Viagra), produces the most rigid erection for men, enabling sexual intercourse for patients suffering from erectile dysfunction. The condition affects an estimated 150 million men worldwide.

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Sexual Health
Reverberation of the little blue pill...
Contributed by porndexter on Thursday February 19, 2004 01:40PM
from the dept.
FRIDAY, Feb. 13 (HealthDayNews) -- It's not just 50-something men needing a little boost who have sought out Viagra and its newly approved cousins.

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Sexual Health
Low testosterone linked to depression in men
Contributed by porndexter on Wednesday February 4, 2004 11:50AM
from the Obvious-Science dept.
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Men with low levels of the male hormone testosterone are more than four times as likely to become depressed as other men, according to study findings released on Monday.

All of the testosterone-deficient men included in the study had a condition known as hypogonadism, which is also characterized by a decrease in muscle strength, loss of bone mass, fatigue, and declining interest in sex.

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Sexual Health
Disposable Urination Cone Now For Women
Contributed by porndexter on Wednesday February 4, 2004 11:46AM
from the dept.
Disposable urination funnel magic cone protector a feminine hygiene product U.S. Patent 6,434,757 pants skirt ordinary method seating on the toilet seat used in public toilets hygienic point of view and no danger of spreading diseases. It is good to use while skiing , hiking , boating and camping. it is designed to snap open and remain open and semi-rigid while in use. It is good to use during pregnancy, while staying in hospital before and after surgery

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Sexual Health
Design your own vagina in NZ
Contributed by porndexter on Sunday January 25, 2004 02:14PM
from the Strange-cosmetics dept.
A "designer vagina" service specialising in cosmetic surgery of a very private nature has been launched in Auckland.

The service, believed to be an Australasian first, offers a range of treatments, including restoring a woman's virginity, vaginal rejuvenation, repairing damage from giving birth and liposuction. Click for story

Sexual Health
Durex withdraws condom lubricant
Contributed by porndexter on Wednesday January 21, 2004 02:43PM
from the dept.
The makers of Durex have ceased production of condoms containing a controversial lubricant amid doubts about its ability to prevent infection.

The lubricant, nonoxynol-9 (N-9), was originally thought to provide a high level of protection against infections such as HIV.

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Sexual Health
Depressed Vagina = lower sex drive
Contributed by porndexter on Friday January 16, 2004 08:13PM
from the Obvious-Science dept.
We all know how much emphasis men seem to put on the size and shape of their penises. But how do women view their own genitals and how does this affect their sex lives? We studied 31 patients in a clinical setting to determine if there is a relationship between genital image and sexual function.* There have been many studies and research on the relationship between a woman’s body image and her sexual function. However, little research exists on the role that genital image plays in woman’s experience of her sexuality.
Sexual Health
14 month old get a 14 incher
Contributed by porndexter on Tuesday January 13, 2004 11:02PM
from the illict-drugs dept.
GRAND RAPIDS -- Viagra has been hailed by men around the world as an antidote to impotence. Now it also is helping an ailing 14-month-old Grand Rapids area girl to breathe easier.
Sexual Health
Libido-enhancing drug for women in advanced trials Men Rejoice everywhere
Contributed by porndexter on Tuesday January 13, 2004 10:08PM
from the It's-about-F*&$ing-time.... dept.
Procter & Gamble is in the advanced stages of testing a drug to improve the sex drive in women that executives say may be a "blockbuster" seller.
Sexual Health
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