5) Men will buy you a $250 vibrator that you may or may not have wanted. Even though you have been begging for those Jimmy Choo shoes for the past 6 months, eyeing some special jewelry or wanting new drapes they see the vibe and think, new vibe = lot’s O’ sex. Oh the simplemindedness of males... you have to love such single though creatures. A special note to women: Making them sandwiches makes them just as happy.
4) 90 percent of the big burley long-haul truckers love tranny porn. When I first started, I was frightened of them. Now, I know they are just big effeminate boys dressed to scare one and all. I’d be afraid of them, but I’m missing the necessary piece of equipment. I’m now having issues that the truckers don’t want to hit on me.... oh well.
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