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Flavored And Warming

Weight Model- Product Image Item Name Price
0 PD9550-98 Body heat lotion- pear

Body heat lotion- pear

Body heat lotion- pear This eight-ounce bottle of Body Heat Lotion is scented like fresh pears. It is a warming massage lotion that will put both of you in the mood for what‚ôs to come. Sure, it works great for a backrub, but even better for an awesome genital massage!


0.38 PD9550-82 Body heat lotion-butterscotch

Body heat lotion-butterscotch

††† Body heat lotion-butterscotch You will thoroughly enjoy this fragrant massage lotion. It will warm your body to that perfect nth degree! Relish the moment.


0.74 PD9550-62 Body heat lotion-cherry

Body heat lotion-cherry

You will thoroughly enjoy this fragrant massage lotion. It will warm your body to that perfect nth degree! Relish the moment.


0.74 PD9550-77 Body heat lotion-choc/cherry

Body heat lotion-choc/cherry

You will thoroughly enjoy this fragrant massage lotion. It will warm your body to that perfect nth degree! Relish the moment.


0.74 PD9550-72 Body heat lotion-cinnamon

Body heat lotion-cinnamon

You will thoroughly enjoy this fragrant massage lotion. It will warm your body to that perfect nth degree! Relish the moment.


0.74 PD9550-65 Body heat lotion-green apple

Body heat lotion-green apple

You will thoroughly enjoy this fragrant massage lotion. It will warm your body to that perfect nth degree! Relish the moment.


0.74 PD9550-69 Body heat lotion-passion fruit

Body heat lotion-passion fruit

You will thoroughly enjoy this fragrant massage lotion. It will warm your body to that perfect nth degree! Relish the moment.


0.74 PD9550-70 Body heat lotion-peach and cream

Body heat lotion-peach and cream

You will thoroughly enjoy this fragrant massage lotion. It will warm your body to that perfect nth degree! Relish the moment.


0.74 PD9550-71 Body heat lotion-pina colada

Body heat lotion-pina colada

You will thoroughly enjoy this fragrant massage lotion. It will warm your body to that perfect nth degree! Relish the moment.


0.74 PD9550-64 Body heat lotion-raspberry

Body heat lotion-raspberry

You will thoroughly enjoy this fragrant massage lotion. It will warm your body to that perfect nth degree! Relish the moment.


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