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March 12, 2005

The Moron Orin Hatch to chair "Obscenity Prosecution and the Constitution."

Having solved all the problems in the world, Orin hatch to co chair Obscenity Prosecution and the Constitution pannel in congress.

WASHINGTON - The Senate Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Property Rights has rescheduled its hearing on obscenity prosecution for Wednesday under a new title, "Obscenity Prosecution and the Constitution."

March 6, 2005

Tennessee to tax Titties for Tinseltown

The Tennessee Film Commission is hoping that a plan to tax strip club patrons will raise millions of dollars to lure Hollywood producers to the state to make their blockbuster hits.

''This could be an amazing incentive,'' said David Bennett, the executive director of the state Film, Entertainment & Music Commission.

March 4, 2005

Asshat John "I know what's good for your family" Dougall's Porno Protection Bill

Here's a copy of the bill passed on 3/2/2005 on how John Dougall is going to raise your ISP bill by Deciding what is pornographic, what's harmfull to your child and what they can or cannot see. It unfortunate that they don't put the RESPONSIBILITY in the hands of the parent instead of the "I Know what's good for you Utah politicians".

March 3, 2005

'Exotic' boutique in Montclair draws fire for window displays

he store window display has scantily clad mannequins surrounded by floating cutout hearts reading "Hold Me" and "Kiss Me" and "Love Me."

But Montclair residents and township officials are telling the store owners to "Clean It Up" and "Cease and Desist."

February 26, 2005

Ass hats in Alabama make you have a Rx for a Dildo

I have tendonitis in both arms, a chronic condition that causes me quite a bit of pain if I'm not careful. I use various devices to help me work around it, including a wireless curved keyboard and an ergonomic mouse that I can use with either hand. If I have a bad flare-up, I stay off the keys for a day or two and hire my sister to type for me.,1284,66706,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_3

February 21, 2005

Bush Budget Misplaces Sexual Priorities

WASHINGTON, Feb. 8 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Following is a statement from Brian Dixon, Director of Government Relations, Population Connection:

Abstinence-only education has been shown to be inaccurate and ineffective. And in the budget released yesterday by President Bush, it's shown to be indestructible. In a budget that is riddled with misplaced priorities, this ranks highest.
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