If you have ever been in a conversation with me you will know that I’m a huge advocate of sex education (age appropriate) from a young age. Today is Utah’s first day of the corrupt politicians legislating morality for the residents of Utah. Every year, I almost go postal when this group or that group introduces some sort of bill that tries to legislate morality of a Utah resident. Years ago, Utah politicians wanted abstinence only education. After the huge amount of evidence showing that it doesn’t work compared with comprehensive sex education, I find that Utah is going to take a small step towards coming to the modern age of comprehensive sex education.
The talking heads today reported that Senator Stephen Urquhart, R-St. George, is going to introduce a bill that would allow educators in Utah to teach students about contraceptives, but it prohibits "advocacy or encouragement" of their use? These Students would be require to take this class in 11th Grade?
Comprehensive sex education is about providing information to our youth on their attitudes and beliefs about sex, sexual identity, relationships, and (gasp!) intimacy. Sex education should help our youth make informed choices about their sexual behavior.
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